Who we are?
Galex Studio develops software and provides IT services.
The company consists of a group of specialists providing a full range of services
in the field of information technology. Coverage of the whole software development cycle
from the formulation of the task to the introduction and maintenance of the final product.
We create high-quality software.
How we do this?
Meetings and DiscussionsTasks Evaluation
Coffee Breaks
Audit & AnalyzeTime Estimate
Building Approach
Graphic Design
Product Install
What projects have we already done
Our portfolio
CERT MDCERTMD-CERT it is the center of computer security incidents analysis operating as important element of the national research and educational networking infrastructure.
Ball room sparkleBallroomsparkleWe are a team of highly skilled designers and dressmakres offering outstanding costumes for performers around the world. We design and make costumes for ballroom dancers, ice skating professionals, gymnasts.
SOCIETATEA ȘTIINȚIFICĂ MEDICINA DE URGENȚĂSPMUAsociaţia obştească Societatea Ştiinţifico-Practică de Medicina de Urgenţă şi Catastrofe din Republica Moldova este o asociaţie obştească neguvernamentală, apolitică, nonprofit, constituită prin libera manifestare a voinţei persoanelor asociate.
AIRTHInnovation is a cornerstone of economic development. Interest in tourism and hospitality innovation comes and goes. In recent years there has been a constant, yet small, stream of research in this area. The Alliance for Innovators and Researchers in Tourism and Hospitality (AIRTH) is a network of innovation minded scholars.
Revista AMTAPAnuarul ştiinţific: Muzică, Teatru, Arte Plastice este o publicaţie ştiinţifico-metodică concepută şi elaborată de către AMTAP şi apare cu regularitate începând cu anul 2002.
Direcția educație, tineret și sport sectorul Centru reprezintă o structură specializată de conducere, care se subordonează Direcției Generale Educație, Tineret și Sport.DETS
CENTRUL REPUBLICAN DE DIAGNOSTICA VETERINARACRDVI.P. Centrul Republican de Diagnostică Veterinară este o instituţie republicană de profil veterinar care îşi desfăşoară activităţile în conformitate cu Legislaţia în vigoare a Republicii Moldova cu implimentarea Regulamentelor şi Directivelor Uniunii Europene în domeniu.
Research And Educational Networking Association of MoldovaRENAMRENAM is National Research and Educational Network of Moldova – a non-governmental, non-commercial and non-for-profit network. Main activity of RENAM is focused on continuous development of communication and information infrastructure of the scientific and educational community of the Republic of Moldova. Any scientific and educational body from Moldova can adhere to RENAM. RENAM network activates in close cooperation with different national and external public organizations.
A few words at the end
We are Galex Studio specialists participated in the development of more than 50 projects of various directions. We created software for such areas as medicine, financial sector, security, sales, real estate, industrial production, science, personal web sites, business cards ... Galex Studio team is open to cooperation on projects in various fields of activity.
Individual approach to each project and customer.
Our Team